Application of Annulment of Marriage in Malaysia

Application of Annulment of Marriage in Malaysia by TYH & Co. Best and Affordable Family Lawyer in Malaysia

Application of Annulment of Marriage in Malaysia

Application of annulment of marriage in Malaysia, in simple term, means to apply to the Court to legally announce that the marriage never happened or existed in the first place.

To file a petition for annulment in Malaysia, it is important to note that the applicant must fulfil one (or more) of the grounds provided under the Law Reform (Marriage & Divorce) Act 1976 even if the marriage is less than 2 years in Malaysia. The grounds are stated below the form.

You may proceed to fill up the details and our family lawyer will review and advice accordingly.

Our family lawyer will advice via WhatsApp in less than 2 working hours.
State ‘0’ if both of you share the same address.
Be as specific as possible and you may use pointers if necessary. Our family lawyer will build your case based on relevant facts.
State ‘0’ if not applicable or if there is no children.
State ‘0’ if not applicable or not required.
Briefly let us know the details of properties involved and your proposal in dividing the properties. State '0' if not applicable.