Application For Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) Program In Malaysia

Malaysia My Second Home MM2H Malaysia Program by TYH & Co. Best and Professional Immigration Lawyer in KL Selangor Malaysia

Application For Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) Program In Malaysia

All application for Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) Program in Malaysia will be processed by the Immigration Department of Malaysia (under the Ministry of Home Affairs of Malaysia).

Our experienced immigration lawyers will assist in the MM2H application on your behalf with the Immigration Department of Malaysia and you will be notified from time to time on the update/approval of your application.

Why Appoint Our Immigration Lawyers?
  • Fixed & Transparent Legal Fees
  • Online MM2H/Immigration Service
  • Responsive & Professional
  • Experienced Immigration Lawyers & Immigration Consultants

Fill in the form below and our immigration lawyers will assess and advise your application accordingly. Our lawyers will also advise you on submission of documents accordingly.

Confirm the conditions above by checking the box. All boxes must be checked before you are eligible to apply for the MM2H program in Malaysia.
An additional RM50,000 (approximately equivalent to USD12,000 or GBP8,700) (may defer based on the daily currency exchange rate) in fixed deposit is required for each dependant such as the wife, children, parents or in-laws of the principal applicant
Above are the most popular states in Malaysia based on the MM2H applications

Update: As of 15th of September 2021, the government of Malaysia has maintained the requirements without any changes for the application of MM2H program.