Application For Certificate Of Single Status And Other Certificates With The National Registration Department Of Malaysia

Application For Certificate Of Single Status And Other Certificates With The National Registration Department Of Malaysia

At TYH & Co., we assist clients in both Malaysia and overseas to extract the following certificates with the National Registration Department of Malaysia (or commonly known as Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara Malaysia (JPN)):

  • Certificate of Single Status (Application for Letter Verifying Marital Status) (This certificate is commonly required if you are a Malaysian and wish to marry a foreigner in a foreign country)
  • Marriage Certificate
  • Birth Certificate
  • Death Certificate

NOTE: You must be resident in the Peninsular of Malaysia (West Malaysia) or must have registered the above certificates previously in the Peninsular of Malaysia to apply for the extract/copy.

Our lawyers will provide free consultation and quotation as well as the procedures to obtain the abovenamed certificates.

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